Monday, May 10, 2010

So tired I can fall asleep right now, Linette and I had an adventure till 10 plus in school today :D We ran in the rain barefooted too! Art has been really, really tiring but the people in there makes life so awesome. The first two weeks of june hols would be spent entirely in school for us cause we've got lessons in the morning and art from afternoon till night.

My life revolves around art, art, art, and more art but I'm enjoying it somehow. Its rather accomplishing to see my skills improve since my very first drawing in j1. Maybe I wouldn't mind a career revolving around art afterall.

I wrote a list of people who still matter to me and there are a few whom I don't talk to yet I still feel closer to them than anybody else.

Chicago - You're the inspiration

Heard this on the way home. Brings back memories!

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